StarShip Server Manager provides you with the tools and information you need to administer the StarShip Server. From this interface, you can update registration information, manage StarShip users and the SQL database, and more.
To launch StarShip Server Manager, select the StarShip Server program group from the Windows Start > Programs menu and then select the Server Manager item.
In order to run Server Manager, you must log into the Server with Administrator rights. Non-admins who attempt to run it will receive an error message.
"Click to show connection properties"/"Click to hide connection properties"
This link toggles a display of server and database connection properties. To change the connection properties, click the Change button to launch the Database Connection wizard.
If the StarShip service is running, you are prompted to stop the service in order to continue.
If you do not want the Server Manager interface to display when it starts up, you can configure it to minimize to the system tray upon startup in Tools > Options > Manager Options.
Right-click on the Server Manager tray icon for quick access to the following tasks:
Open : Launches the Server Manager interface.
StarShip Core Service : Start or Stop the Server Manager Core Service.
Database Management : Launch database tasks : the Connection Wizard, Create/Update Wizard, and Backup Wizard.
Options : Launches Server Manager Options, where you can define operational settings for the server and Server Manager.
Help : Launches the Server Manager help file.
Exit : Exits the Server Manager program.
In order for users to log in to StarShip and process shipments, the StarShip Core Service must be started. Right below the StarShip Server item, you can see whether or not the service is stopped or running.
When the Core Service is not running, you are able to perform some database functions and all user maintenance.
Use the Service menu to start or stop the Core Service. You can also right-click on any StarShip Server item and choose Start or Stop from the right-click menu.
Note that when you attempt to stop the service while users are connected, an informational message appears. This message alerts you to the number of users connected and asks if you want to stop the StarShip Service. If you click Yes, user connections will be terminated.
To log out of your administrator account, select Service > Logoff. This will display the administrator login dialog.
The left side of the window shows all information related to StarShip and SQL Servers in an expandable tree view. Right-click on an item for a pop-up menu of the available functions. Additional functions are accessible from the Service, Database, Tools, Plugins, and Help menus.
The Server Messages tab displays a running log of any events occurring in StarShip Server Manager (i.e., start/stop service, change options, delete shipments, etc.), as well as error messages. Display of the Client/Server and Internet traffic tabs is optional and can be turned on in Server Manager Options. The Client/Server tab shows a log of the XML traffic between the client (StarShip or Viewer) and the server. The Internet traffic shows a log of Internet transactions between StarShip and carrier servers.
To resize the display areas, position the mouse over the bar that separates them until the cursor changes into a double arrow. Click and drag the bar to resize.