Freight Rules Overview


StarShip gives you the ability to define charges and the way that freight and other charges are applied to different types of shipments. This is accomplished by creating freight rules. Freight rules allow StarShip to take your list or contract charges and modify them to create a charge based on field values from the source interface, the shipment, or user-defined values.

The types of charges you can modify with freight rules are :

Rules may be configured at the package and/or shipment level, allowing you to be as precise as possible when creating your customized rules. This means, for example, that you can base a rule on a package level option so that one package in a shipment can be treated differently than another.



Types of Freight Rules



Manual shipments are shipments that are initiated on the Ship screen without a source document, for example, by entering or selecting a recipient.

For Import, the user can import multiple shipments at once, for example, from a spreadsheet, and process them in a batch.

Set Up Manual/Import



My Freight Rules

This is the currently active freight rules interface assigned to your company in My Companies (Setup > Source Interface > "your source interface"). It will be used when importing shipments from your source interface.

Set Up My Freight Rules




How do freight rules work?


Freight rules can define applied charges in a variety of ways. Freight charges can be :


In addition, a rule can contain multiple conditions that must be met in order for the rule to be applied. Conditions consist of input fields (from the source interface or StarShip) or user-defined values, and can be combined with an operator and another input field or fixed value, for example.


Freight Rules Viewer

Finally, StarShip lets you control the order in which freight rules are processed from the Freight Rules Viewer. If the conditions for a rule are met, you can define that when the rule is applied, no further rules are processed.




Applying Freight Rules

Freight rules are applied to an initial default value that you define, either List or Contract charges, or zero. The initial value plus these rules and conditions result in the Applied Charge, which can be written back to the source interface.

After rating a shipment, the Charges tab will display how charges were generated, the rule(s) that were applied, and associated values. You can also view rule detail for the rule that was used to modify a charge. StarShip will alert you to any errors in charges calculation and allows you to view the error so you can fix it.

Note : When a shipment is rated, for most fields, the Charges tab will immediately display the impact the freight rule has on the freight charges. However, for the Dimensional Weight field (DimWeight), you will not see how the freight rule was applied until after the shipment is processed. To see the result of the freight rule, open the processed shipment and view the Charges tab.


Next : Configure Freight Rules : Settings and creating rules