Create a New Shipment in StarShip


StarShip allows you to create shipments against your Sage 500 ERP documents.  These are the basic steps to process a new shipment that is initiated from StarShip.


  1. Launch the StarShip client.

  2. Select a shipment by scanning the shipment number or by manually entering it into the Sage 500 ERP Shipment field. You can also use the magnifying glass icon to browse and select from the list of current shipments.

    Use the filters at the top of the dialog to narrow your search results. Select a shipment and click OK.


  3. The shipment is loaded into the Ship screen. Next, pack the line items in the shipment into packages.

About packing line items

More Information : Line Items


  1. If any of the shipment items have previously been shipped, StarShip retrieves related freight information (if applicable). If items have not been shipped before, or line item detail is not mapped to Sage 500 ERP, you may need to enter additional information, such as freight class.

  2. In the Packaging View, enter the weight of the first box or use an electronic scale to read the weight. If the package weight was imported from Sage 500 ERP, you can skip this step.

  3. Click Next to navigate to the next package and repeat the weighing process. If you have the Print on Next feature enabled in Parcel Preferences setup, shipping labels will print for each package as you click the Next button or press Enter. Note : Though the label prints, the shipment is not processed until you press Ship/Process (F5).

    Freight Notes

  4. Rate the shipment with the currently selected carrier by clicking Rate from the File menu or by pressing Ctrl + Alt + R. To rate shop, click the Rate Shop button in the toolbar or press Ctrl + Alt + S.  Select a carrier from the Rate Shop tab. For more information, see Shipping Process > Rating in the StarShip Help.


  5. If you need to, edit the shipment's Ready Date (and Pickup Time, for Freight) on the Shipment tab.


  6. Save the shipment. There are two options for saving shipments.

    Save As Draft To save a shipment without processing it, select Shipment > Save, press Ctrl + S, or click the Save button on the toolbar. This action saves the shipment as a draft, but does not process the shipment, request pickup from the carrier, automatically print shipping documentation, or write back any information to Sage 500 ERP. The shipment is essentially saved as a draft so you may open it and make changes.

    Ship/Process To process a shipment, select Shipment > Ship/Process or select the Ship/Process button from the toolbar. The shipment is tendered to the carrier. If you set up the bill of lading and/or labels to print automatically, they are now generated. Note: The update to Sage 500 ERP differs depending on where the packaging was created.

Updates and Write-Back to Sage 500 ERP

After you Ship/Process a shipment, StarShip updates Sage 500 ERP shipments. Note: If "Require Lot/Serial Distribution in Packing" is enabled in the Setup SO Options in Sage 500, StarShip will only update packages for items that either do not require distribution, or have already been distributed in Sage 500.

See also : For in-depth information about processing shipments, see Shipping Process in the StarShip Help.