RedTail Setup
StarShip supports integration with the RedTail EDI-solution. V-Technologies
partners with RedTail Solutions to provide a more seamless shipping to
EDI experience. You have the option of producing the GS1-128 label from
StarShip or RedTail Transaction Manager. Producing the label in StarShip
allows all shipping labels to print at the same time. On Ship/Process,
StarShip will transparently send shipment detail to RedTail for final
creation of the ASN to the trading partner.
See also : SSCC
Define Conditions
Field Mapping (MS Dynamics GP)
Shipping with RedTail Integration
- Select Setup > EDI from the StarShip Ship screen.
- Select RedTail from the menu choices.
- Check the "Enable RedTail integration"
option. Once checked, the EDI integration with RedTail option is available
on the Recipient tab of the Ship screen.
- For EDI shipments, activate RedTail integration
- Manually : This option allows the user to manually
check (or uncheck) the "Enable integration with RedTail"
option on the Recipient tab.
- Conditionally : This option allows you to add conditions
under which RedTail will be used for EDI shipments. When conditions
are met, StarShip will automatically check the RedTail check box on
the Recipient tab. Note that when this field is set to Conditionally,
the user cannot manually check the RedTail check box on the Recipient
tab. See Define Conditions for more information.
- Type the Client ID code assigned to you by RedTail
Solutions into the Client ID field. This field is limited to 5 characters
and is required if RedTail Integration is enabled.
Define Conditions
Follow this procedure if you are defining conditions for RedTail activation.
Conditions are a number of field values or calculations (operands) connected
by operators. They can be based on :
Constant Values : These are fixed values that
you define. You can add a Constant Value by selecting New Constant
Value from the drop-down list. Values you already created are also
saved to the drop-down list.
StarShip Fields : These are fields from the
Ship screen (shipment fields).
In this example, we'll set up StarShip to conditionally use a Billing
Type shipment field value to trigger integration with RedTail (check box
on the Recipient tab).
- First, set the "For EDI shipments, activate
RedTail integration" to "Conditionally."
- Then, click the button
next to the conditions area.
- Select the first Operand, i.e. StarShip shipment
field, by clicking on the drop-down list. In this case, we'll select
"Billing Type."
- Next, choose an operator from the drop-down list.
Here we are choosing "is equal to" since we want to RedTail
to be activated for a specific billing type.
- Select the second Operand from the drop-down list.
Here we'll select "Third Party." The second operand can
also be a constant value, depending on the shipment field selected.
In some cases, you can also select whether the condition applies to
each order or package (Pack) in the shipment or at least one order
or package in the shipment. Basically, what is available in the second
operand list will depend upon the field you select as the first Operand.
- Multiple conditions
: To add another condition, click the button in
the upper right corner of the dialog. To group conditions, first select
the conditions you want to group...
- ...and then select the AND or OR
button on the top right of the dialog.
Grouped conditions can be administered by clicking on the AND or OR button in front of the condition.
- When you click OK, the condition (or grouped conditions)
appears in the condition area.
Field Mapping (MS Dynamics GP)
MS Dynamics GP users should perform the following field maps for RedTail.
From Setup > Source Interface > MS Dynamics GP, select Customize
Interface > Sales Trx.
Under Target Fields > Order :
Map "EDI PO ID" to Dynamics GP Field "RedTail PO ID".
Map "EDI POLineID" to Dynamics
GP Field "RedTail PO Line ID".
Under Target Fields > Line Item :
Map "EDI POLineID to Dynamics GP Field
"RedTail PO Line ID".
Shipping with RedTail Integration
While processing a shipment, users can manually check (or uncheck) the
RedTail integration check box, or it is done automatically by StarShip
based on certain conditions (as defined in the above setup steps).
When RedTail integration is enabled for a shipment, the EDI icon appears
in the Recipient panel.
- RedTail settings are saved per location.
- EDI shipment information is stored in a shared
directory specified in StarShip Server Manager options. See the StarShip Server Help for more information.