StarShip supports integration with your custom EDI-solution and generation of the ASN (Advance Ship Notice). This topic shows you how to set up custom EDI options.
Shipping with Custom EDI Integration
Select Setup > EDI from the StarShip Ship screen and then click Custom EDI.
Enable Custom EDI
Check the "Enable Custom EDI integration" option.
For EDI shipments, activate Custom EDI integration
Manually : This option allows the user to manually check (or uncheck) the "EDI Integration with: Custom EDI" check box on the Recipient tab.
Conditionally : This option allows you to add conditions under which your custom EDI solution will be used for EDI shipments. When conditions are met, StarShip will automatically check the Custom EDI check box on the Recipient tab. Note that when this field is set to Conditionally, the user cannot manually check the Custom EDI check box on the Recipient tab. See Define Conditions for more information.
Generate ASN in StarShip
When checked, StarShip automatically generates the ASN number for any shipment where custom EDI is activated. If this option is not checked, StarShip will not generate the ASN number. It can be typed in manually on the Recipient tab > ASN Field or mapped to an ERP interface field.
Generate EDI file
When this option is checked, the EDI file is created on Ship/Process in the location set in the StarShip Server Manager. If the path is unavailable, StarShip will create an EDI\Custom EDI\ folder to contain the EDI file. For more information about the default EDI folder, see the StarShip Server Manager Help.
ASN Type
This field appears if you checked Generate EDI file above. Select the type of ASN required by your Trading Partner.
Pick and Pack : This is the default setting. StarShip generates the file read by the custom EDI to create the ASN in this format : Shipment > Order > Pallet > Pack > Item
Standard : StarShip generates the file read by the custom EDI to create the ASN in this format : Shipment > Order > Pallet > Item > Pack
Standard when : Allows you to define the conditions under which the Standard format is used. You can use the condition builder to define values for one or multiple shipment fields that will trigger EDI integration. See Define Conditions.
Note : In order to generate the Standard ASN, a shipment cannot contain mixed items in any packages. Each line item must have its own package. If two or more line items are placed in the same package, StarShip can only generate the file used to create the Pick and Pack ASN.
The ASN Number field appears on the Recipient tab; it can be automatically generated by StarShip, or can be typed in manually or loaded from the ERP interface. See the Field Mapping section below for more information on how to import the ASN number from your ERP interface.
The ASN Number field can be assigned as an additional reference field for carrier interfaces. Reference fields are set up per carrier in Setup > Carrier Interface > "carrier" > Reference Fields tab.
If you do not check "Generate ASN Number in StarShip" in the options above, the ASN Number shipment field can be mapped to an ERP interface field so that the value is populated from the ERP interface automatically.
Field mapping is performed in Setup > Source Interface > "your interface" > Customize Interface.
Follow this procedure if you are defining conditions for custom EDI activation. Conditions are a number of field values or calculations (operands) connected by operators. They can be based on :
Constant Values : These are fixed values that you define. You can add a Constant Value by selecting New Constant Value from the drop-down list. Values you already created are also saved to the drop-down list.
StarShip Fields : These are fields from the Ship screen (shipment fields).
In this example, we'll set up StarShip to conditionally use a Billing Type shipment field value to trigger the Custom EDI check box on the Recipient tab.
While processing a shipment, users will either be able to manually check or uncheck the Custom EDI integration check box; or, if custom EDI integration is activated based on conditions ("Conditionally"), the check box will be greyed out and checked/unchecked by StarShip.
When custom EDI integration is enabled for a shipment, the Custom EDI option is checked in the Recipient panel.