Amazon MWS Setup


In order to use StarShip with the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS), you first need to authorize access to the selling account so that StarShip can import your Amazon Orders.


Amazon MWS Eligibility Requirements


To set up Amazon MWS:

  1. In your web browser, go to Amazon Seller Central and log in to your Seller account.
  2. Click Settings and select User Permissions.

  3. On the User Permissions page, scroll down to the "Third Party developer and apps" section and click the "Visit Manage Your Apps" button.

  4. Click the "Authorize new developer" button.

  5. Enter V-Technologies in the Developer's Name field, and then enter the Developer ID: 149020822436. Click Next.

  6. Read the text and click the check box to authorize access to your Seller account. Click Next.

  7. Your Account Identifiers and Credentials are shown.  Make a note of it, or print the page so that you have access to this information when adding your Amazon account in StarShip.



Continue to StarShip Setup where you can add the Amazon company in StarShip.