3dcart Setup


Prior to connecting your 3dcart shop to StarShip, you will need some information from the 3dcart Admin Dashboard. Follow the procedures below to collect those details.



Get the REST API Token


  1. Log in to your 3dcart Dashboard and select the Modules item from the left menu.

  2. Scroll down to locate the REST API item and click the Settings button.

  3. On the right side of the screen, click the Add button.

  4. Copy and paste the following Public Key for V-Technologies and click Save: 4383c1ffd0380043f61739d70e22cc9b

  5. Click Authorize on the Permissions dialog.




Get the Secure URL

You will also need your store's Secure URL for authentication in StarShip. To find it :


  1. In the Admin Dashboard, select the Settings menu item.

  2. Select General > Store Settings.

  3. The Secure URL is located in the Store Information section. Copy and paste the URL to the text document.



Continue to adding the store in StarShip....