Shipped Quantity


GP Advanced includes the line item field "Qty Shipped" for the Sales Trx document type. You can modify the default map for this field to ensure that only line item quantities that are still available can be shipped (shown below).

Notes :

To modify the default map for Shipped Qty so that users can only ship line item quantities that are still available :

  1. Select Setup > Financial System Interface > Microsoft Dynamics GP (version).
  2. Select Customize Interface and then select the "Sales Trx" document under the interface name.
  3. Under Target Fields > Shipment > Line Items, remove the default map for "Units to Ship", currently mapped to "Qty Fulfilled." You can do this by setting the Field Mapping Source to "None."

  4. Next, set the field "Shipped Units" to the Dynamics GP Field  "Qty Shipped."

  5. Click OK to save.