

StarShip can write back shipment detail to SAP when you process a shipment for Sales Orders, Deliveries, and A/R Invoices. Write-Back varies based on the type of SAP document you are shipping. There is no write-back when shipping against Customers.


Set up Freight Settings

Freight Name

Set up Notes Settings

Other Settings

Sales Orders


Custom Fields (Sales Orders, Deliveries, and Invoices)

Sales Order Header

Package Fields

Write-Back End Results


Sales Orders Write-Back

Deliveries Write-Back

Invoices Write-Back



To access write-back setup :


  1. In the StarShip Client, select Setup > Source Interface > SAP B1(version) > Customize Interface. Click on a document to set up write-back for it.

  2. In the Customize Interface window, click the Write-Back Setup button.



Set up Freight Settings

Freight write-back defaults to "Always write back freight to the Sales Orders/Deliveries/Shipments". You can choose from these options :




Freight Name

StarShip uses the Freight Name to write the freight charge back to a freight field in the Sales Orders, Deliveries, and Shipments. You will need to add a freight field in SAP or use an existing one, and then add the name of that freight field here. If  "Always write freight..." or "Prompt shipper..." is selected above, you are required to enter a Freight Name before you can save your interface in Customize Interface; if you do not have the Freight Name set up, the freight charge will NOT write back to the SAP document.


SAP Setup

In SAP, the name for the freight field is set up in Modules > Administration > System Initialization > Document Settings > General tab. Then, click the Freight -  Setup button.





The Freight Setup dialog is where you can add the field to be used for the freight charge, or look up the existing field name used for freight. Make a note of the name and return to StarShip.






StarShip Setup

In Write-Back Setup, enter the Freight Name exactly as it appears in SAP. The Freight Name is case-sensitive.  






Set up Notes Settings


Write the shipment notes in 9x compatibility format

On the Notes Settings node, this option is checked by default. StarShip will write shipment notes to SAP in StarShip 9.x format. This setting deals with write-back by location (if shipping with multiple locations). In version 9.x the location field was optional. The current version of StarShip automatically retrieves the location when writing notes back to SAP. Therefore, if you do not want to use the location, you would check this check box and StarShip will disregard location info.

Important! You should deselect this option if multiple locations will process shipments against the same SAP documents on the same days.




Select write-back destination for Notes

You can direct Notes write-back to a specific SAP field. Selections are:



Freight and Parcel Shipments

The Notes Settings contain default shipment detail that writes back to the SAP Sales Orders and Invoices for Freight and Parcel shipments. The Note Tag is the printed title; the information from the StarShip field on the right will appear next to the Tag words in SAP. You can change the fields that write back by changing the Note Field, or click in the next empty row to add more fields.




Other Settings

Sales Orders

Do not create a Delivery when shipping Sales Orders : This setting is for Sales Orders write-back only. StarShip will automatically create the Delivery for you when you ship a Sales Order. Check the option only if you do not want a Delivery to be created. When this option is checked, StarShip writes the shipment information back to the Sales Order.





Do not create an Invoice when shipping Deliveries : This setting is available for Deliveries write-back only. StarShip will automatically create an Invoice for you when ship a Delivery. Check this option if you do not want an Invoice to be created. When checked, StarShip writes the shipment information back to the Delivery.

Custom Fields (Sales Orders, Deliveries, and Invoices)


Sales Order Header

You can customize write-back to these header fields on the SAP document.

Expected Delivery Date

StarShip can write the estimated delivery date back to the "Delivery Date" field on the SAP document. Select "StarShip" as the Field Mapping Source and select the StarShip Field "Estimated Delivery Date".

Expected Delivery Date


Ship Via and User-Defined Fields

StarShip can also write back to the Ship Via field, and header level user-defined fields (accessible in SAP from View > User-Defined Fields), on the SAP document.


Package Fields


Package Type

StarShip can write the Package Type back to the SAP Packing Slip when you process a shipment. In SAP, Package Types are configured Administration > Setup > Inventory > Package Types.

You can either choose to set a Fixed Value for the Package Type (for example, Box), or you can map it to the StarShip Field "Package Packaging Type". If mapped to the StarShip Field, click the Value Translations link to set a value for each Package Type in StarShip.

The Package Types you have set up in SAP are automatically populated in the right column of the Value Translations window. Select an SAP value from the drop-down list for each "Package Packaging Type" value. You can also set them all to one value, such as Box. When you are done, click OK to save your work. See Write-Back Results to see how the Package Type writes back.

User-Defined Package Fields

StarShip can write back to any User-Defined fields on the Packing Slip for Existing Packages. You can map them to a Fixed Value or to a StarShip field.




Write-Back End Results



Packing Slip

For all documents, the Package Type is written back to the Packing Slip > Type for Existing Packages. The Packing Slip is accessed when you right-click on the document in SAP and select "Packing Slip" from the context menu.




Sales Orders Write-Back


When StarShip Creates the Delivery

When the shipment is processed, StarShip sets the Sales Order status to Closed, and writes the freight, notes and tracking number write back to the Delivery. Note : When multiple orders to the same customer are batch shipped in StarShip, one Delivery is created.

Freight writes back to the field you selected for the Freight Name setting in Write-Back setup. The Master tracking number writes back to the Tracking No. field.




The shipment Notes write back to the Pick and Pack Remarks.





When StarShip Does Not Create the Delivery

When the Delivery is not created by StarShip, the Freight and Notes write back to the Sales Order. Freight writes back to the field you selected for the Freight Name setting in Write-Back setup. Shipment Notes are written back to the Pick and Pack Remarks on the Logistics tab.




Deliveries Write-Back

When the shipment is processed, the Delivery status is set to Closed and the A/R Invoice is created. Freight is written back to the Freight field on the Invoice (see Write-Back settings). There is no Notes write-back. The Tracking Number, or the Master Tracking Number (when shipping multiple packages), for the shipment is written back to the Tracking No. field on the Logistics tab.




Invoices Write-Back

The Master Tracking Number writes back to the Tracking No. field on the Logistics tab of the A/R Invoice. There is no Freight or Notes write-back due to the nature of the SAP Invoice.