StarShip Client : Update Existing Installation


Updating a StarShip Client installation means that only new and updated files are copied to the existing installation(s).


  1. If you downloaded the installer files, run the clientsetup.exe file to launch the StarShip Client installation.

    Note : If you received an installation CD, you'll see the dialog below. Click the Install StarShip Client link.


  2. Accept the license agreement by selecting I Agree.


  3. Be sure to close any programs you may have running before clicking Next to start the installation process.


  4. StarShip detects the existing installation. Select Update existing installation and click Next.


  5. Choose if you would like to back up the replaced files. You may press Browse to change the default location of the files. Press Next.


  6. In the StarShip Server Location field, type in the computer name or IP address of the computer where StarShip Server is installed and running. "Local" indicates that the server is running on the local machine; in this case, you do not need to enter the computer name or IP address. Click Next.


  7. Select where you want to install the StarShip Client Dashboard shortcut. Click Next.


  8. Click Next to begin the installation.


  9. If you ran the installation program from a CD, enable the Check for updates on the web check box. If you used a web installer, there is no need to check for updates. You can also read the release notes after installation is done. Click Finish to complete the installation.


  10. This dialog may display for certain registered source interfaces. Click OK to install Microsoft .NET.