Settings for New Client Workstations


Some developers coding against the ADE specification in StarShip v9 made internal references to the station number or path in the starship.ini file or registry settings. Although these are no longer used in the current version of StarShip, they will be created to maintain backwards compatibility. If you are installing the StarShip client on a new workstation, you may need to modify the values based on the requirements of the integrated application. Consult your interface developer if you require additional detail. If installing the new StarShip client on an existing StarShip v9 workstation, your settings will be transferred automatically.


Modifying these values can be accomplished from Financial System Setup in the StarShip Client.

Note : StarShip reads the communication path from the BWuser.ini (which is the folder where BusinessWorks is installed) and writes it to StarShip's Configuration_BW.ini file.

In addition, StarShip writes the communication path to the starship.ini file, which could be re-directed to the user's Windows virtual store folder.  


  1. Launch the Client.

  2. Select Setup > Financial System Interface > BusinessWorks.

  3. Select My Companies, and click on the Company. The configuration file is selected when the user adds the company.

§         Changing Station Number will update StarShip.Ini file in Windows directory and update the registry branch:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\StarShip\Main\Station

§         Changing the “Input Path” or “Communications Path” will update the configuration file, the StarShip.ini file, and the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\StarShip\ADE\Path.





The starship.ini file is saved to the default Windows directory, which varies among operating systems. Examples of where this file will be located :

§         C:\Windows\

§         %userprofile%\Windows\ (terminal services)

§         %userRoamingProfilePath%\Windows\ (roaming or re-directed profile)



Registry Settings

2 registry entries are used for the Station and Path variables:

Station: HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\SOFTWARE\StarShip\MAIN\










This number will be the extension of the files used to communicate between StarShip and the integrated application (ADEIN.# and ADEOUT.#).



Use “0” if the Path is a folder that will not be shared by other StarShip workstations. If the Path folder will be shared by more than one StarShip workstation, then this should be set to a unique number.


The Path is the folder where StarShip and the integrated application send and receive information. This can be any folder that both applications can access.

Varies by operating system:

Windows Vista, 7 and 2008 :

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\V-Technologies\StarShip Interface


All other operating systems :

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\V-Technologies\StarShip Interface

To find the location of this folder in StarShip v9 , go to your ADE Interface Setup, in Setup > Accounting Interfaces > Generic ADE .



Configuration File

StarShip now uses configuration_ADE.ini file. When you run StarShip after modifying the starship.ini file, it will automatically modify the StarShip configuration file to match the StarShip v9 settings above. The configuration file can be found in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\V-Technologies\StarShip Interface\Configuration_ADE.INI.


The following settings in the [Header] section of the file may need to be updated manually :






StarShip Mode

Set this value to either “Respond” or “Request”:


Respond : Use this value if shipments are initiated from the integrated application; this was known as Server mode in StarShip v9.


Request : Use this value if shipments are initiated from StarShip by typing an order number; this was known as Client mode in StarShip v9.




Interface Name

Interface name used within the StarShip shipment screen and menu items.



Broadcast Message

Setting to specify Windows messaging communication protocol.

N  : Interface does not use Windows messaging (integrated application uses polling)

Y : Interface uses windows messaging.

Set it to “Y” only if the Input File Trigger was set to “Messaging” in StarShip v9 “ADE Interface Setup” (Setup > Accounting Interfaces > Generic ADE )

N, Y