Basic Search

StarShip's Search function is accessible from any Maintain item; i.e. Maintain > Inventory, and from the main window to search existing shipments. You can launch a search by clicking the magnifying glass on the toolbar, pressing Ctrl + F, or from the Search menu. Basic search allows you to search on any field, as well as keywords that you enter. You can also make multiple selections in the search results list



Search Field

The fields available in this drop-down list vary depending upon the area in which you're searching. For example, if you click Search from Maintain > Inventory, all inventory item fields will be available for your search.



Type in the keywords or numbers with which you want to search.



Search Results

Sort criteria and order

You can change the sort criteria by clicking the column header. To change the sort order (ascending, descending), click the column header again. The current sort order is indicated by a blue up or down arrow in the column header.


Total Records Found

This number shows you how many records matching your search criteria were found.


Displaying Records

This shows you how many of the records found are displayed in the Search window.


Page (X of X) Navigation

In the bottom right corner of the window, StarShip displays the current page number in relation to the total number of pages found. You can flip through pages using the arrows to the left and right of the field.


Deleting Records

You can delete records from the search results list, as well as selecting multiple records for deletion. After selecting multiple records, click the delete button on your keyboard and confirm that you want to delete these records. You  may also right-click on records and select "Delete Selected Record(s)" or "Delete All Records on Page" from the pop up menu. Note: It is not possible to delete Carriers or Brokers from the Search window.