Defining Maps, Field Values, and Translations


Input values, such as Ship Via are interpreted using key words in StarShip. You can also specify exactly how you want your Ship Via value to be understood by StarShip.  


Here is an example where we set up StarShip to determine the Carrier/Service and also the Saturday Delivery flag for the following Ship Via values:


Ship Via



UPS Ground


UPS Next Day Air


UPS Next Day Air + Saturday Delivery


UPS Next Day Air Letter


  1. First, map Packaging to the Ship Via input field from the interface.
    On the left-most pane, select Packaging under the Shipment folder. Click on the Packaging field in the center pane. By default it is mapped to the fixed value of Custom Packaging.  Change the Field Mapping Source from Fixed to ADE Field. Select SHIPVIA as the Order Field to map.

  2. Next, map the Saturday Delivery (Select) flag to the Ship Via input from your interface. On the left-most pane, select Shipment Options under the Shipment folder. Select the Saturday Delivery (Select) field in the center pane. Change the Field Mapping Source from None to ADE Field. Choose SHIPVIA as the Order Field to map.

  3. Select the "Click here to update Value Translations” link.

  4. On the Value Translations dialog, click the Edit Values button  and type in each of the Ship Via string values as they appear in the integrated application. Click Add after entering each one. Then, click OK.

  5. Next, set up the translations between the Ship Via input field and the Saturday Delivery (Select) field.  To do this, edit each value under Translates to ‘Saturday Delivery (Select)’ Value to the appropriate Y (Yes) or N (No) value by selecting from the drop-down lists, as shown below.

    Now, you can set the translations for Carrier – Service, which is also mapped to Ship Via.
    (Note: You could also click OK here, navigate to the Carrier – Service field, and modify the translations via the Click here to update value translations link as we did for Saturday Delivery.  However, because Carrier – Service is already mapped to Ship Via by default, it is shown in this dialog. You can just click on it.)

    At the prompt  [Work with translations for field: “Carrier – Service”?]  click Yes.

    Update the translations for UPS R, UPS R S, and UPS R L as shown in this example :

  6. Next, click on Packaging  under Additional Mapped Fields. Click Yes at the prompt again.
    In the Set all translations to: field, select Custom Packaging. Then, set the translation for UPS R L to UPS Letter, like this :

  7. It is a good idea to update translations for International Carrier-Service as well.  When complete, click OK to exit Value Translations, and continue to click OK until you exit setup.



Unmap fields

Many fields are mapped by default. To completely clear a field mapping, right-click on the folder or field you want to unmap and select Clear Mapping.

Note : Clearing the package mappings does not stop packages from importing into StarShip. If they are imported with the ADE document, they will populate on the screen regardless of mappings.